Our People

All of our committees are staffed by volunteers – some bring professional expertise, others bring their time, enthusiasm and energy. If you are interested in joining them, we’d love to hear from you.

Society Ambassadors

Cllr Rob Higgins

The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor of Newcastle upon Tyne, Cllr Rob Higgins

Her Grace The Duchess of Northumberland

Her Grace The Duchess of Northumberland

Lord Shipley

The Lord Shipley OBE

Nitin Shukla

Nitin Shukla, Deputy Lieutenant of Tyne and Wear

Trustees and Management Team

John W Matthews

Chairman, Trustee and Planning & Development Committee

Toby Hedworth KC

Toby Hedworth KC

Vice Chair, Trustee and Planning & Development Committee

Emma Walker

Trustee and Membership & Activities Committee Chair

Tim Wickens

Tim Wickens

Trustee and Planning & Development Committee Chair

Nigel Jenkins

Editor of City & County and Planning & Development Team

Fiona Thoburn

Fiona Thoburn

Honorary Treasurer

Our Teams

Planning Team

Planning & Development Team

Our Planning & Development Team work to protect the historical built and natural environments of the city of Newcastle upon Tyne, the borough of North Tyneside and the county of Northumberland

Membership and Activities Team

Membership & Activites Team

One of the key elements of the N&N is our events programme. This committee arranges talks and tours, liaises with speakers to create a year-round calendar of social activities for our members.

Editorial Team

Our City and County journal comes out four times a year and is packed with articles, updates on the N&N’s work, book reviews and events information. It is free to members and submissions are always welcomed. Click here to read a past issue.

Society Manager

Jackie Salmon manages the day to day running of the N&N and our Jesmond office. Jackie looks after the members, supports the committee teams, coordinates our events, the website, social media and a thousand and one other things! 

Jackie’s background is in countryside management, business administration, marketing and communications. 

Jackie in Jesmond Dene

Corporate Supporters

Our work is supported by a number of local organisations to which we are very grateful.

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