Many key areas affect heritage and the work that we do. Here are our policies and position statements on a range of issues, from the natural to the built environment. (This page is under development.)
Empathy Architecture
We believe that developers often show a lack of sympathy for heritage and cultural identity through bland and inappropriate building designs.
Minimum Space Standards
We have noted a disturbing trend in planning applications where dwelling units fall short of compliance with minimum space standards.
Tall Buildings
Whilst the Society is not intrinsically opposed to tall buildings, it would equally be fair to say that we are sceptical of their benefits based on three factors.
Coal is recognised as a ‘fuel of last resort’ for good reason and we should do what we can to discourage its use as a primary source of energy.
Green Energy
The N&N believes that green energy should be harnessed in a way that
maximises its benefits while minimising its costs, both for the environment
and for communities.